Have your timer ready and set it to 15 minutes. You may choose a room, a section or a drawer to focus on. Start with the easiest task: REMOVING TRASH.
Trash is the obvious. Look around your room, if you see empty boxes, bottles and containers please toss them out. Do you have any broken items? Please trash them if they are never to be repaired or can’t be repaired. No what ifs or buts.
Trash is emotional detachment. Unlike sentimental items such as old photographs or a dress your mom made you, you should not be emotional about trash. It is a decisive moment to just toss a bag of trash.
Trash decluttering create immediate result to an environment. It makes the room feels cleaner and organized. It is the best way for decluttering outcome with minimal effort.
Trash removal can really help you with clear decision making. You just have to identify the trash and take them out of the house. Items that are broken, expired and unusable please take them out and don’t over think.
At the end, it is about the routine. You have to decided how many minutes in a day or a week you will have to remove trash out of your homes, your cars or y workplaces. The more you do, the better it will get. Decluttering is a process and start with identifying trash and getting rid of them fast.