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The app is a step by step guide to help you declutter your home. In order to be successful you have to create a habit of letting go. Before using the app start with gathering trash and discard them immediately into the bin. Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how many trash you can gather.
step by step guide
1 Gather
Gather items that are alike. For example if you are decluttering books, gather all your books.
2 Discard
Assess what you gathered and let go of items that that no longer serve a purpose. You can donate, sell or discard them.
3 Organize
For the keep items, it is time to organize them into their spaces. All items should have a home. If not, go back to step 2 to assess if more items need to be discarded.
4 Manage
Decluttering isn’t just a one time task. It is a habit that should become part of your daily routine, just like throwing out your trash on a weekly basis.
Declutter Ally always by your side.