10 minutes: Decluttering seasonal decorations

Do you have 10 minutes?

Yes, okay, time to declutter something. Today you will declutter your seasonal decorations.

Please give it a try.

1 Gather

Gather your seasonal decorations (start with one theme: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, etc).

2 Discard:

+ trash immediately.
+ what doesn’t belong.
+ what you will not buy again.
+ what you haven’t use in a year or more.


– What doesn’t belong in this theme storage box, place them in the correct storage box.

– Donate your seasonal decorations to churches or schools.

3 Organize

Place the decorations you want to keep back in the storage box or. create a storage box for them.


– If you have more time, repeat 1-3 again for other seasonal themes.

– Since you now have more space. You can display some photos or items of sentimental values instead of just storing those in boxes.

4 Manage

Managing is about maintaining. You decide how often you want to revisit in decluttering your seasonal decorations again.

It is very manageable to declutter one theme at a time. And repeat the process from 1 to 3 again. Thank you for decluttering with us. And hope you have a great 10 minutes and be proud of yourself.


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