Why do we just pile up books we do not read? Books that are just there and not read are just clutter in our lives. We have to stop this habit. Are you with me?
Stop aspirational purchase of books. Do you intent to read all those books you bought about 1900s France? You barely have the time to sleep. You do not have time to read a 800 pages book, so please stop buying.
Fear of missing out. You just caught a case of FOMO. Why are we in so much fear nowadays. We can’t even take a breather for not acquiring more knowledge. You do not need that book, if you need the answer just look it up on google search or ask someone more knowledgable than you on specific subject. Seriously, don’t be a walking encyclopedia.
For decoration? If you have nothing better than books to display. What about the photos from your mom, they are still in the photo albums. May be those photos are worth more for displaying than your decorative books that you don’t read.
Let’s get rid of 10 books today and donate them to your local schools or libraries. Or go to Another 5 minutes step by step to declutter your books.