Category: books

  • 10 minutes: Decluttering seasonal decorations

    Do you have 10 minutes? Yes, okay, time to declutter something. Today you will declutter your seasonal decorations. Please give it a try. 1 Gather Gather your seasonal decorations (start with one theme: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, etc). 2 Discard: + trash immediately.+ what doesn’t belong.+ what you will not buy again.+ what you haven’t use…

  • Are books clutter?

    Why do we just pile up books we do not read? Books that are just there and not read are just clutter in our lives. We have to stop this habit. Are you with me? Stop aspirational purchase of books. Do you intent to read all those books you bought about 1900s France? You barely…

  • 5 minutes: Decluttering Books

    Do you have 5 minutes? Yes, okay, time to declutter something. Today you will declutter your books. Please give it a try. 1 Gather Gather your books (start with 1 shelf). 2 Discard: + trash immediately.+ what doesn’t belong.+ what you will not read again.+ what you will not read in the next 6 months.+…